I don't tell you how to tell me what to do, so don't tell me how to do what you tell me to do.

Peter @Jimtopia

Age 35, Male

South Dakota

Joined on 2/16/06

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Jimtopia's News

Posted by Jimtopia - February 26th, 2009

First off, new cartoon, Jim and Pals Episode 9: The Movies! Go watch it, review it, vote on it, all that fun Newgrounds stuff.

El Linko

I put a lot of time into making the sets and choosing camera angles/music for this one, just to see if I could make it look as nice as i originally imagined it.

My next couple of flashes probably aren't going to be anything Jim related, I realized that I'm able to do much more complicated and in-depth things then my Jim series is allowing me to do. I have a couple of good ideas that I intend to turn into animations by mid-summer 2009. My animation classes at college are actually teaching me a lot of good things that hopefully I'll be able to implement into these upcoming cartoons.

I know it might be a little bit too early to mention, but me and my friends are all planning on heading to San Diego Comic-Con this year, it was so much fun last year when me and this guy went we decided it'd be fun to go back this year with our whole group of friends.

One last thing that I want to mention, I finally got around to watching the last of the four Futurama movies, and I must say, this one was definitely my second favorite. I still think Bender's Big Score was the best, but I have a soft spot for plots involving lots of time travel.

So I guess my ranking list (best to worst) would be something like...

1. Benders Big Score
2. Into the Wild Green Yonder
3. Beast with a Billion Backs
4. Benders Game

I really think that the last one just kind of tied everything together very nicely, and I laughed out loud at a few parts. What'd you guys think of the new Futurama movies?

Posted by Jimtopia - January 27th, 2009

Man when was my last update? Over a month ago, yeesh. I wish I had stuff to show you, but hey, school and all that. You know, the typical excuses. It's not like I'm not working on things, in fact I have a few too many projects on my hands right now, almost all of which are sort of breaking the mold for what I usually do (AKA Jim cartoons) I'm trying to branch out and practice with different styles. I don't intend on canceling my Jim stuff or anything, but I just needed a change of pace with my animating.

Hope you guys had a good new year. Speaking of which, who's broken there new years resolution already?


Posted by Jimtopia - December 21st, 2008

Happy Holidays everybody! I hope that your Christmas breaks, or whatever are going well, I know mine is! I mainly made this news post to inform you guys that I released a new cartoon a couple days ago, my latest Christmas submission...

Jimtopia Christmas!

Hopefully a few of you guys take a look at it, leave a review, vote, whatever!

I'm really enjoying seeing/catching up with my family this Christmas, being off at college, it's surprising how much you end up missing the people that annoyed you so much just a few months ago. I'm also excited because I'm getting Flash CS4 for Christmas, I can't wait to start making my cartoons in that, let me tell ya; judging from the free trial, it should really help me out in my animating.

What did you all ask for christmas?

P.S. Forgot to mention this earlier, but at the suggestion of my brother I made an alternate ending to Jimtopia Christmas, which I must admit, is much funnier.

Jimtopia Christmas Alt Ending!

Posted by Jimtopia - December 14th, 2008

That's right, 19 years ago today I was born, and in accordance with tradition, me and my family are celebrating. I just figured I would let the website that's played such a big roll in my entertainment and helped me in my animating hobby the last 2 (almost 3) years now!

My only dilemma now is what to wish for...


P.S. I also have a little news about my next cartoon, Jimtopia Christmas, its' slated for a Dec. 21st release, so be looking out for that.

Posted by Jimtopia - November 18th, 2008

Bubbly, another word for Fizzy. Fizz being the title of my new cartoon that I'll be releasing soon. Sadly I don't think the whole one cartoon a month thing that I mentioned awhile back is going to happen. Unless I somehow manage to get the second half of this cartoon done in less than 12 days or so. I mean, I suppose it's possible, just not likely. I would love to shoot for a November release, but we'll see.

There are a couple other things I'm doing this month though, I participated in a friend of mine's project, Flash Saga: 2. It's a trippy story about an alien trying to find his ship. I'm also participating in the Pork and Beans collab, which should still be happening, there was a little turmoil earlier, but hopefully the collab starters can get that worked out.

I'm also planning on a Jimtopia Christmas cartoon, I just really need to get the script finished, that's all that's stopping me at the moment. What I have so far is pretty good, I just have to finish it. Stupid writers block.

Wish I had more interesting stuff to say, I suppose I'm just keeping the folks at home informed.


Posted by Jimtopia - October 31st, 2008

Happy Halloween! Jim got all dressed up this year.

Happy Halloween!

Posted by Jimtopia - October 29th, 2008

I kind of want to get the general consensus on this, do you enjoy when I (or anyone for that matter) updates more regularly, or do you prefer to merely be informed just when we have new content to show you? Do you like knowing how projects are going, or do you just want to see the final result?

Posted by Jimtopia - October 3rd, 2008

Well, Jim and Pals 8 is out now, go watch!

This is the first on ever to be made in Flash. It's about time Jim and his pals updated to a program worthy of animating them.

This also marks the beginning of my one cartoon a month challenge! Let's see how long I can keep it up for!

Place ya bets!


Oh my god my post is touching Mindchambers! (Also, new cartoon!)

Posted by Jimtopia - September 26th, 2008

Hey Newgrounders,

So I've sort of set a goal for myself, to release one cartoon every month; I just wanted to get the general Newgrounds user's opinion on this. Is this too little, should I try to do one every two weeks, is it too many, will it be too much work and I wont be able to keep up? Now, these cartoons will probably consist mostly of additions to the Jimtopia series, but when I finish one of my longer cartoons that one will end up being the monthly one. Thanks for reading, and leave your thoughts on the subject below.


P.S. Finally got iChat working, so I can now talk to users who use AIM as well as MSN and Yahoo! Drop me a PM if you're interested.

Posted by Jimtopia - September 9th, 2008

You clicked here? Oh well, you asked for it...

I have run into a sort of dilemma regarding the sequel to "TV Rules the Nation" (now officially titled "I Am the Brainwasher"). I didn't realize when I started it, but seeing as I'm using Celarents style that he used for Future, my cartoon is going to be compared to his, and my cartoon isn't as good. To be honest I'm just worried that it will be horribly under appreciated just because it isn't as good. I didn't have this concern with TV Rules the Nation, because it was just different enough to be my own, but this one looks a lot like Celarents, and I mean a lot. I am putting a lot of work into I Am the Brainwasher, and I guess I'm just hoping that NG doesn't vote it badly because it's not as good as Celarents absolute perfection. *drools*

Also, if you're curious how far "I Am the Brainwasher" is, I'm about 2 minutes in. So 20% done.

In the world of college/personal life...

College is going pretty well, all my classes are going kind of slowly though, considering 90% of the class didn't even know what Flash was; so we have to start on Step 0 with Flash, and it's killing me. Our assignments require that you animate at 12 FPS, on a 700x350 stage, and it can only be 5-8 seconds long. We're not even allowed to use movie clips or tweening yet! Our first assignment was that we had to make a cartoon about Autumn with the above requirements. Here's what I came up with (it wuz rilly h4rd 2 do!). Classes aren't terrible though, other than our sucky restrictions, it's actually pretty fun. We do a lot of drawing and movie-watching.

Okay, enough talking about real life stuff. This isn't myspace after all.

In other cartoon related news...

I am now announcing another cartoon I have in the works entitled: Fizz... something or other... I haven't really thought through the title yet, but if any of you remember the terrible cartoon Fizz that I submitted way back in '06, I'm basically taking the character, making him have a body, arms, hands, eyes, legs, pants, shoes... you get the idea. Anyway, I'm redesigining him, getting him a voice actor, and putting him in a superhero role! It's going to be sweet! I've only got about a minute left to animate on it, but considering I'm also working on I Am the Brainwasher, it still is going to be awhile before it comes out.

Thanks for reading,