Bubbly, another word for Fizzy. Fizz being the title of my new cartoon that I'll be releasing soon. Sadly I don't think the whole one cartoon a month thing that I mentioned awhile back is going to happen. Unless I somehow manage to get the second half of this cartoon done in less than 12 days or so. I mean, I suppose it's possible, just not likely. I would love to shoot for a November release, but we'll see.
There are a couple other things I'm doing this month though, I participated in a friend of mine's project, Flash Saga: 2. It's a trippy story about an alien trying to find his ship. I'm also participating in the Pork and Beans collab, which should still be happening, there was a little turmoil earlier, but hopefully the collab starters can get that worked out.
I'm also planning on a Jimtopia Christmas cartoon, I just really need to get the script finished, that's all that's stopping me at the moment. What I have so far is pretty good, I just have to finish it. Stupid writers block.
Wish I had more interesting stuff to say, I suppose I'm just keeping the folks at home informed.
Pork and beans ;)
Excuse my manners if I make a scene.