Well I suppose it's time for another one of these, oh, and for you people that just read the first sentences of these to see if they're interesting, and leave, scroll to the bottom of this news post and vote!
Okay, so here's a little update on what I've been up to since Christmas in Jimtopia was released. Nothing. Honestly I've been "on break" for the last 9 days, haven't started anything, just been kinda screwing around in Flash MX '04, and hanging out on the internet and crap. In other words it has been a very uneventful 9 days or so.
Jumping into Flash stuff, I am currently... torn. I can't decide what to do next. I have tons of ideas for cartoons and stuff, I just can't decide on which one to do next.
Now, I've been seriously considering doing a Tetris Unleashed 4, but haven't officially made up my mind. I know a fair amount of people PM'd me, telling me to make TU4 have the plot that TU3 was going to have, as shown in this trailer.
Honestly this doesn't sound like a bad idea as a project to take on now, it does seem like it may be too soon after TU3 was released, but that's where you guys (the people still reading this) come in. But more on that later.
My next project idea was something similar to this. I know how he did a lot of the things in that cartoon, and honestly I think I could make something similar potentially. I even have some songs picked out that could work perfectly for it. Realistically though I think I could do this project really well if I just waited until I get better with CS3. Koolmoves could do it I'm sure, I'm just worried about the file size if I use KM.
My third idea was a collaboration. It would basically be a collab about a Koolmoves file fighting a Flash MX file, I think I'd call it "The Koolmoves Kollab." Obviously one of the requirements would be that your part has to be made in Koolmoves. I've been really debating doing this though because I'm not sure how many people on newgrounds know about, or have even heard about Koolmoves.
My final idea, which really isn't even an idea, is just for you guys to be patient, wait for me to get my Tablet for X-mas, and see where that goes. So finally without further ado...
It's time to vote!
Option 1: Begin work on Tetris Unleashed 4.
Option 2: Make something similar to Future.
Option 3: Make "The Koolmoves Kollab."
Option 4: Wait for me to get my Wacom Tablet, and see where that goes.
Please Vote for Options 1, 2, 3, or 4.
first comment. i rule.
Oh but I wish you would have voted SSC.